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Results for: 'make beer'

Fermentation - When Oxygen Is Absent, Pyruvate to Lactate & Pyruvate to Ethanol

By: HWC, Views: 6184

Pyruvate is the end product of glycolysis. If oxygen is present, pyruvate enters the mitochondrion where further energy yielding reactions of the Krebs cycle will take place. However, if oxygen is not present, pyruvate will enter a pathway called fermentation. This pathway regenerates NAD+ fro...

How to make cDNA Animation

By: HWC, Views: 1242

This animation shows how an mRNA transcript can be used to make a cDNA strand.

Brief Summary on Photosynthesis - Animation

By: HWC, Views: 5641

Can increase its weight by 150 pounds as it grows. Where does the new tissue come from? From the soil? From water? Or possibly from the air? The amazing truth is that new material. comes from an invisible gas in the air. In the process of photosynthesis, plants capture carbon dioxide ga...

Shoulder Movement Animation

By: Administrator, Views: 615

Four muscles—the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis—make up the rotator cuff. It stabilizes the shoulder and holds the head of the humerus into the glenoid cavity to maintain the principal shoulder joint.

HDL (high density lipoprotein)

By: HWC, Views: 5615

HDL cholesterol can be thought of as the “good” cholesterol. (So, in the case of HDL cholesterol, higher levels are actually better.) The body uses cholesterol to make hormones and vitamin D and to support digestion. HDL carries LDL (bad) cholesterol away from the arteries and back to t...

How does asthma work?And How do you treat asthma?

By: HWC, Views: 5594

These are the parts of the respiratory system. Sinuses and Nasal Passages Mouth Windpipe (Trachea) Lungs Airways (Bronchial Tubes) Airsacs (Alveoli) When we breathe, air moves easily in and out of the lungs. The small airways are also called bronchial tubes. The side of the tube is...

How antibiotics works? 💊

By: HWC, Views: 6338

The Crisis in Antibiotic Resistance More than 70 years ago, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. A few decades later, when this antibiotic was used in World War II, Fleming's discovery had revolutionized medicine. No longer did people have to die from something as trivial as an infected cut.Y...

Labor and Delivery - Postpartum Assessment

By: Administrator, Views: 419

The postpartum patient's emotional status plays a significant part in her recovery and her adjustment to her infant. Postpartum hospital stays are very brief, so nurses must make every encounter with the patient meaningful. Developing a systematic method of assessing the patient will save time an...

How a Urinalysis is Performed

By: Administrator, Views: 9801

A urinalysis is a test of your urine. A urinalysis is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes. A urinalysis involves checking the appearance, concentration and content of urine. Abnormal urinalysis results may point to ...
